MA MIX is our special formulation of beneficial soil foundations and ammendents working together synergistically to provide the greatest vitality and growth for all of our plants. At the request of our Food Nursery customers we are making MA MIX available to you!
Now in refillable 5 gallon buckets.
Your first bucket of MA MIX is $60 ....
and when you bring back your bucket the next refills are $50.
The results are priceless.
List Title
In Da Mix:
MA MIX is packed with vital living elements and organisms to maximize the life-giving generative qualities of the soil.
1/ Mycorrhizae Fungi +
Aptly called the internet of the soil for its web of networked fibers that exchange information and nutrients between soil and plant. Greatly enhanced the root system, Improves nutrient efficiency, and increases water absorption & utilization. Plus kelp.
2 / Biochar +
Increases long term soil fertility, water absorption and plant growth by building a home for microbes while sequestering carbon. Plus immediately available humic acid with similar beneficial characteristics
3/IMO5 Super Chicken Fertilizer
Miraculous organic fertilizer from MA Chicken Korean Natural Farming flooring comprised of indigenous microorganisms dissolving chicken poop (no smell!)
4 / Island Sourced Compost
Rich aged compost from organic materials on the farm and across the island
5 / Island Source Topsoil
Increases soil fertility, water absorption and plant gowth by building a home for microbes while sequestering carbon.
6 / Sustane Organic slow release fertilizer
Increases soil fertility, water absorption and plant gowth by building a home for microbes while sequestering carbon.